Bicycle helmet for everyday use that provides good comfort and protection.
The helmet uses Kali's own Komposit Fusion technology which binds the helmet shell and its foam together. This gives the helmet a really good strength, but also makes the helmet thin and light. The helmet also comes with a rechargeable rear light which is charged with Micro USB. The helmet's closure system is a magnetic clasp that makes the helmet easy to put on and take off.
To create good comfort, there are 17 ventilation holes in the helmet and a swivel buckle that can be adjusted exactly as you wish.
The helmet is CE EN 1078 approved
Bicycle helmet for everyday use that provides good comfort and protection.
The helmet uses Kali's own Komposit Fusion technology which binds the helmet shell and its foam together. This gives the helmet a really good strength, but also makes the helmet thin and light. The helmet also comes with a rechargeable rear light which is charged with Micro USB. The helmet's closure system is a magnetic clasp that makes the helmet easy to put on and take off.
To create good comfort, there are 17 ventilation holes in the helmet and a swivel buckle that can be adjusted exactly as you wish.
The helmet is CE EN 1078 approved
Kali Central Mat Pastel
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