The loose legs from Craft are in a light version that fits well with the weather where you are in doubt whether it is too cold for the short shorts or not.
The inside of the legs are brushed so that they provide heat even though they are still thin in the material.
At the top, there is silicone on the inside and outside so the legs are kept up and your shorts hold in place on the outside.
There is reflection in the Craft logo on both legs so you can stay visible in traffic.
Craft leg warmer hi-vis
The loose legs from Craft are in a light version that fits well with the weather where you are in doubt whether it is too cold for the short shorts or not.
The inside of the legs are brushed so that they provide heat even though they are still thin in the material.
At the top, there is silicone on the inside and outside so the legs are kept up and your shorts hold in place on the outside.
There is reflection in the Craft logo on both legs so you can stay visible in traffic.
Craft leg warmer hi-vis
Craft Leg Warmer Hi-Vis
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