Nice handlebar bag from Restrap that is the perfect choice for, for example, bike packing.
The bag can hold up to 10 litres and can be closed by rolling up the top.
At the front of the bag, there is space for a buckle clasp. An additional headlight can also be mounted on the strap.
At the top of the bag, there is an elastic cord that is perfect for holding an extra jacket, a pair of gloves, or anything else you want easy access to.
The bag is made of waterproof fabric.
Nice handlebar bag from Restrap that is the perfect choice for, for example, bike packing.
The bag can hold up to 10 litres and can be closed by rolling up the top.
At the front of the bag, there is space for a buckle clasp. An additional headlight can also be mounted on the strap.
At the top of the bag, there is an elastic cord that is perfect for holding an extra jacket, a pair of gloves, or anything else you want easy access to.
The bag is made of waterproof fabric.
Restrap Handlebar Bag Black
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