Volare Ashley 14".
The 14" large wheels help to roll without becoming too large and uncontrollable.
The bike has one gear, so there is nothing to be confused about.
Around the chain and crankset there is a closed chain guard so nothing gets caught.
The included support wheels can be removed when the balance is correct.
There is a rim brake on the front wheel and a foot brake on the rear wheel.
The bike is suitable for children with a stride length of between 47 - 52cm (Height 98 - 110cm).
The bike is delivered 95% assembled in a closed cardboard box.
Volare Ashley 14".
The 14" large wheels help to roll without becoming too large and uncontrollable.
The bike has one gear, so there is nothing to be confused about.
Around the chain and crankset there is a closed chain guard so nothing gets caught.
The included support wheels can be removed when the balance is correct.
There is a rim brake on the front wheel and a foot brake on the rear wheel.
The bike is suitable for children with a stride length of between 47 - 52cm (Height 98 - 110cm).
The bike is delivered 95% assembled in a closed cardboard box.
Volare Ashley Girl's Bike 14" Pink
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